Markley Custom Drums Markley Custom Drums
We are proud to say that our custom hardware is 100% designed and manufactured right here in the USA. We like being able to control the quality of our parts so that our customers end up with the finest, most durable product we can provide. We guarantee that our Solid Tension™ lugs and Reson-X™ Tom Mounting Systems will never let you down, even under the most challenging touring conditions.
Markley Solid Tension™ Lugs
Beautiful as well as functional, our exclusive Solid Tension™ lugs are 100% Made in the USA, and are the finest quality solid machined drum lugs on the market today.
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Reson-X™ Tom Suspension System
Our exclusive Markley Reson-X™ Tom Suspension System easily improves everything about tom suspension systems in a beautiful, custom-designed package. When you see it, you'll immediately know you're looking at a quality Markley Custom Drum.